What are the series of events after the FreezPen® procedure?

During the procedure the area freezes and turns white. After the white area thaws, a
flushing occurs that turns the area red. This thawing is associated with a pinching sensation or a dull ache as a wheal is formed. This wheal will develop into a water blister that may rupture naturally (do not force rupture) within 24-48 hours and within 3-5 days the area will begin to form a scab. During this time it is important that the area is kept clean and dry to prevent infection, a small dressing may be required. The scab will fall off in approximately 1-2 weeks. Depending on the extent of the freeze a new scab may reform and the process will repeat itself. The lesion will be completely healed in 2-6 weeks. After primary healing occurs the area may be whiter than the surrounding tissue, usually this re-pigments over time.

What are the possible side effects and risks involved?

• A blister or scabbing can form up to 48 hours after treatment. An antibiotic cream or ointment can be used. Other short term effects include bruising, superficial crusting, and discomfort.

• Hyperpigmentation (browning) and Hypopigmentation (lightening) can occur with some people. These conditions usually resolve within 2-12 months.Permanent colour change is a rare risk but is possible. Vigilant care must be taken to avoid sun exposure (tanning beds included) before and after the treatments to reduce the risk of colour change. A physical sun block (with zinc) must be applied when sun exposure is necessary to protect the pigmented area. There is no guarantee that the area will fully re-pigments. However for most individuals it does if the skin is not exposed to tanning elements. Follow up care is available to help stimulate re-pigmentation if necessary.

• Infection is not usual after treatment but can occur whenever the skin is broken. Should any kind of infection occur, your practitioner must be notified to prescribe antibiotics if appropriate.